Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Face only a Mother could Love?

I certianly don't think so! This is the newest member of family, adopted from my mom and dad. My dads allergies just got to bad and they had to get rid of him, so here he is. What a blessing! He is such a sweet dog, loves the kids and minds very well. He wieghs 94 lbs though and it ought to be real interesting trying to bathe him! I will let you how it turns out. By the way do I have any readers at all out there?

Friday, April 14, 2006

This is my not so little boy. I can't begin to tell you the paces he puts me through! Through and through he is a BOY! He does things at times at that you have to wonder if that really happened or if you just imagined it, and then he does it agian! Like for instance, he very often will jump in the air stick his legs out in front of him and land fully on his bottom. OUCH! If I did that there would be a lot of things permenently out of whack!
But, no matter how goofy or strange, or maybe sometimes becuase of it, I love him like crazy!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

1 down many to go!

Not the greatest picture, but one of the greatest loves of my life! I can't believe she almost 6 and just lost her very 1st tooth! It is amazing how she grows and matures and yet it never really hits me until something major comes about. Like, losing a tooth, or the first day of Kindergarten.
Now kindergarden is almost over and summer is almost here. Emily is playing soccer for the first time and next fall school all day, every day! I really need to remember to cherish this time with her because next thing I know it will be time for High School Graduation.
Well, enough rambling for today. Don't even know if anyone is reading. But, maybe this will be therapuetic for me. Have a BLESSED Day!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My First Post

Well, I only really only signed up for this so I could reply to Nitty Gritty Nannies site. But what the heck, I guess I will actually put up a post and see if anyone stumbles across. If you are reading this blog please comment, if for no other reason than just to boost my ego! :)